Be The Difference You Want To See!

We all have ideas, ideals, dreams, of how we would like to change the world - make it a better place. We tend to believe that as one individual we can't do much. But - we can make a huge difference right where we are - where life finds us and the difference we make can inspire others to do the same and then it grows and becomes bigger than life - larger than our one life and like a huge snowball it will grow and grow long after we are there to push it down the hill. Share your ideas, links, the differences you see, with us here and we can all spread the difference and thereby Be the Difference!!!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Traveling Book at Quiet Angel Publishing

Regina Savage is a Breast Cancer Suvivor and she has written a book called "Mirror Makeovers" - this wonderful book is now traveling around the world to help raise money for Breast Cancer Awareness.  You can check it out at the following link and also see the video.  This is a wonderful uplifting book and I would recommend it to not only Breast Cancer patients, but to anyone with a chronic illness.

Check it out and...become a fan at the Traveling Book Blog spot! This book is traveling the world for cancer survivors and their supporters signatures! It is very exciting. It has already been around the US, Egypt, England and will be on its way to France and Canada! And all the while raising money for a wonderful cause!

The blogspot is

and the video is:

Don't miss this opportunity to get to know someone who really is "Being the Difference"!


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